Thursday, February 22, 2007

life is good

my last post was about a wonderful friend who was quickly and tragically struck ill. he was taken from us before i had finished my trip back to the US. this is a loss all who knew him felt very strongly.

i took a break from writing because i just had no idea what to say. this blog has come to be my inner thoughts about life and relationships. how could i write when such a horrible loss was felt by so many people i care about. a few observations have come to me when i consider this and think of the aftermath.

first, every single person in our life matters. no relationship should be taken for granted. i had never thought of losing this person, or how deeply so many people would collectively feel the loss. we need to feel the people around us and understand what they mean to us.

second, we can not allow the people we care about to not know that we care about them. this can be hard in a corporate environment, but we have all kinds of relationships and communication is the key to every single one. tell the people you love that you love them. how terrible would it be to not have a last chance to do that?

third, it’s the small things we do that matter. two very senior members of our company “were unable” to attend the wakes that staff on two continents held to witness the passing of this wonderful man. this was contrasted by the new president of the company who may have barely known our friend. he came and raised a glass with the rest of us. he showed a respect not only for our friend but for each of us and our loss. this sense of priority has proven to me that this is a man i will follow, this is leadership.

lastly, everyday counts. take the time to smile and laugh. understand that the world is good. if you woke up today, if you can think about the above things and if find a moment to enjoy something small that happens around you today then are far ahead of the game.

life is good, live it with a smile.

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