Thursday, November 23, 2006

structured lying

living in a new country involves meeting a lot of new people. not having anyone you know you seem to be getting to know a lot of people all at the same time. as you get to know more and more people you notice that meetings become interviews of a sort and later meetings bring details that were hidden, downplayed or simply lied about. people when they are meeting someone new have the image of themselves they want to project to the other person.

i have come to see this as structured lying. “i like to cook, i read constantly and i love to travel. i enjoy sports and friends say i am jovial.” you later find out they eat take away every night, they only read the menu of new restaurants they are going to for take away and they hate to travel, especially if the trip has anything to do with sports.

the question i have is, who are the lies for?

are they telling you what they want you to believe but know is just plain false? this can not be it. if it is, how long do they think they can keep up the mirage? over time things come out. you talk with them, they tell stories, they share feelings, things are bound to come out. they do come out and then what, how do you explain the lies?

the alternative is that they don’t know the things they are saying are false. i actually find this a bit more upsetting and sad. they tell you things you find to be completely false, and they don’t know it about themselves. let me give you an example, i met someone who told me she spends time with her kids by taking them to brunch “every” sunday at a certain restaurant. i knew her for a few months and not one weekend did she seem to be with the kids. i have gone to that restaurant for brunch many, many weekends and have never seen them. was it a story? why would you say something like that if its not true? why would you give such detail, its too easy uncover.

getting to know someone is like pealing the onion. you need to get from one layer to the next. there are people who are very closed and others who are very open, making it more or less difficult to get to the next layer. some people almost refuse to talk, they are skilled at asking you questions so they never need to discuss themselves. i have started to believe they cant come up with a story that sounds good, so they just refuse to try. other people you cant stop from talking, but you wonder if they are interested in getting to know you, or just want someone to hear their life story and opinions and could care less who it is.

i am starting to think people don’t really know themselves. if they do, they are hoping to change and why not start with telling you something about themselves that they want to be true. fover time, that crumbles, because those things are still not true after saying them. they need to spend the time to make it true first, then they can say them and have some proof.

moving to a new country is a great way to start over and gives you the chance reinvent yourself. it’s like moving to a new school system when you are kid, all that baggage you had with the old school is gone and you can start over, just on a larger scale. dating is kind of the same thing, but on a smaller scale most of your life is the same, only one person in it is different. but in all these cases, in the end you are the same person who will make the same kind of moves and mistakes if you are not careful. history does have a way of repeating itself.

what if we just told the truth???? hmm lets see,

“i am 41, i live away from everyone i know because i lost my wife to a loser with a drinking problem. i spent too much of my time focused on work and not focusing on my family, now just about all i do is work. i love to cook, but i never do it because i am too lazy to do it for just me. i like people, but most of them bore the hell out of me and i spend most of my free time alone. its one am and i am writing an entry for a blog that no one reads, about a subject that most people don’t seem to understand if i try to explain it”

hmmmmmmmm…. maybe is should just say: i want to find friends and would be willing to share yoga or dance class with someone.


  1. Anonymous12:39 AM

    And I suppose you never lied to anyone? Can you really honestly say you didn't? That you are always open about yourself, how you feel and what it is that you wnat?

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I think no one is capapble of telling the truth about oneself to be fair. Everyone does a degree of structured lying consciously or unconsciously and it is about degrees. I read about yourself, is that the whole truth?

    How about if you dated someone and would you tell your date, that 'I am not the loyal type'? 'I am volatile, watch out.' 'I am critical and dont you make no mistake'. 'I am unforgiving'. 'I am brutal'. 'I am not attentive after a time'. 'i am sweet the first few dates and not after the 5th'. You dont write or tell these things do you?

    So everybody does some structured lying dont you think?

    I know a guy who grilled his girl just for one aspect of her personality. He will lose her soon as he never made her feel good about all her other good qualities.

    She is loyal and he did not appreciate that as he goes for open relationship. She would give her life for him, nope he does not appreciate that as that is unseen as yet. Once you are around her she radiates such a special aura, nope he would never know as he is conducting a more of a paper or rather cyber relationship. Here is where he will lose sight as to what his special girl is all about. He only focussed on this structured lying as you have aptly said. But boy, he will miss out on a most interesting person just because he is too obsessed about what you wrote in your entry. So this is a real issue, perception.

    As for her, she is not used to open relationships and she is trying to understand it. But he does not help her by expecting her to understand something she is not used to with a snap. She would definitely make mistakes as her model is the 'exclusive' relationship.

    Thats where it all went wrong yet these two are, I dunno, perhaps are falling in love.

  3. Anonymous8:36 AM

    @ 7.14 AM

    I agree. Everyone does do it. You just need to know when to stop and start being completely honest.

    For your friends to really fall in love and have something valuable, he will need to open his eyes and make sure he appreciates what he means to her. As long as that doesn't happen, they stand no chance.

    As long as that doesn't happen, he runs the risk of her realizing this is really not what she expects and she will leave. That's probably when his eyes will open and he will know he lost his soulmate. Will his hunt for the perfect, open relationship be worth that? I doubt it but the choice is his.

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Two questions.

    What is completely honest? If someone threw a little tantrum is that being honest?

    How would she make him realise, if she thought he would not on his own?

  5. everyone lies!

    that is exactly my point. we all do it, then, later we realize, this is not the person i thought i was getting to know. and for some reason we are shocked.

    some lies are okay, like not saying on the first date, that you like someone becuase they remind you sooooooooo much of your ex. is this really a lie, or it it just sensible behavior.

    that is what i meant at the end of the post, come one, marketing, packaging, it matters.

    but others, others are simply stupid. why would you lie about things that make you up.

    telling someone anything other than the truth about your age, relationship status, religion, job, or anything else that matters is a great way to get caught and lose someone who could have been a friend.

  6. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I think even throwing tantrums can mean being honest.

    It is when you are angry that you'll say things that are true but you would rather have kept for yourself.

    How would she make him realize? I have no clue. Probable there is no way to make him realize because he is way to preoccupied with himself to be bottered. It'll only be when the emotions really heat up that he MIGHT understand. But I am not sure at all. My scare is that when he realizes, it'll be too late.

  7. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I think one knows one can throw tantrum with someone whom one knows care or love or have some special affection for one. Only such special people will readily forgives one no matter what. Thats why the tag, 'why does one always hurts the one loves the most?' If one can't why bother be special, may one ask?

    As to the guy, who is obsessed with his concept of shallow open relationship to the detriment of someone who truly loves him despite everything, I guess, will lose the one good thing in his life, unless there is divine intervention. Only fate can keep them together.

  8. Anonymous10:04 PM

    I've grown too old to believe in faith.

    Let's just say this guy is not worth the love of this amazing girl. No one deserves to be treated this way. If the love really all is one way, she should just dump him and move on.

    My believe is that one always gets what he/she deserves.

    And as far as I am concerned, he deserves to be dumped by as many girls as possible.

  9. Anonymous10:24 PM

    So funny! Too old to believe in faith. Ok, thats fine. I too believe, in everything one must make full effort first. Full, meaning, not a stone unturned, then and only then, one can have the prerogative to leave it to faith, fate what have you.

    Btw, I don't agree one says true things when one is in anger. Maybe only sometimes. Most just shoot their mouth when angry, not necessarily the truth.

    No, that girl is not that amazing, she just adores that brutal bloke! She finds that he naturally brings great excitement into her life. Perhaps she said, she believed HE from up above has a lot to do with it. She might move away from him physically, only because he is too unaffected, she meant he just does not do emotion, but she will love him in her heart always. She truly loves him inspite of everything.

  10. When i am angry the filters come off a bit. i am much less careful than then I am thinking before I speak. i am still thinking, but I am not "filtering", i am not considering words.

    there was a conversation a few weeks ago, where i finally made the point i had been trying to make gently, directly, okay harshly. anger brings the ability to disregard feelings. your emotions are inflamed, so you are not as concerned with the other person.

    was it lying before that? there was nothing false; just not direct.

    everyone lies, yes i have lied. the good thing is the people who know me can tell when i do it, and call me on it. that is what love and friendship are, knowing when to say, "ah, thats rubbish and you know it"

    the test is if you in return say, "you know, your right" or you stand your ground and keep lying. that is the simple test of good or bad, ability to admit mistakes.

  11. Anonymous3:09 AM

    @ stainedhead

    I have told you several times 'That's rubbish' in the past couple of months ... As far as I know you have never replied with 'You know what, you're right' ... Where does that leave me?

    I know what you're going to say now ... Lies of omission don't count as lies, right? It's different ...

    It all depends on your personality ... i'd rather have someone get angry, throw off the filters and be completely honest than someone who keeps on trying to go around the block ... And therefore keeps on telling lies of omission ... Why on earth would you keep on doing it ... It's bound to come out anyway and it will hurt even more when it does ... All trust is gone ...

    At least when you do say exactly what you think, you have the guts to be honest ... And sometimes we do hurt people with it ... When there is love and friendship, you can always go back and say you're sorry ...

    As we discussed : Where do you draw the line?
    I know where I draw mine ... I haven't figured out where you draw yours yet ...

  12. Anonymous8:31 AM


    'When there is love and friendship, you can always go back and say you're sorry'

    Is this true. Boy, I love to hear this. Thank you.

  13. Anonymous8:34 AM


    You know why I am happy to hear that? Well, I was reactive recently. I was impatient too. I was obsessive and unrealistic. I had someone wonderful in my life. I wanted to change him. I went grossly wrong. I lost him now and I regret it awful. I miss him.

    I wish I could just say sorry.

  14. just me,

    i was thinking of you when i wrote that. if i didnt say it, yes you were right, it was rubbish.


    i hope he knows and accepts that you are sorry. changing people doesn't work. you need to accept who they are.

    losing someone because you were who you are, and can't be someone else is nothing to appologize for though. they also need to accept you and love you for who you are.

  15. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Hi stainedhead,

    You are so right. He wanted to change me too, which will not work as I did him. How the both of us were so immature in our quest to make something beautiful together and now we both have lost something so special.

    I regretted for being impatient, obsessive, and unreasonable. I do deserve this outcome actually. But I feel damn rotten and wish top make amends.

    How is it that I find comfort talking to strangers here.

    My special friend was right. He said people discuss issues on the blog with strangers.

    I dont know how to tell him I'm sorry. He has shut down on me. Throw a suggestion will ya. It may be worth something who knows. I need some push for I am demotivated and demented and crushed.


  16. 7.14,

    i would say relax. the thing that will push someone away fastest is pressure, even pressure which is not overt. a call to say hi, just because you are thinking about him, it would be nice to hear his voice. ask if its okay that you call like this. then back away an make it clear you are not a stalker.

    it's good to value the friendship, but don't get hurt trying to say you are sorry. he knows you are sorry, if he cares he is sorry too.

    sometimes things don't work, or the timing is wrong. maintaining a connection and a friendship can be the best route. who knows what the future can bring. no pressure relationships are by far the most comfortable.

    relax and go have some fun. the more you smile and laugh the less you will be focused on the past. the present is much more important, and the future will take care of itself.

  17. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Thank you for all the pearls of wisdom.

    You are right.

    I am getting myself busy with some business projects now and the new year will see me doing more travels within the country and maybe out of the country too. I don't fancy long hauls this days though. I have done plenty before. The long plane journey bores me somehow.

    Anyway thanks, I will be distracted. Will talk to you again. It is true, there's therapy talking to people we dont know. You dont judge me and I dont you. Something I learn first hand now. TQ again for your time.


  18. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Hi there stranger,

    Just to say hello and to let you know I feel positive.

    My heart feels generous and forgiving it must be. To think that plenty of nasty things were exchanged (it must be in the heat of anger) but right now in my heart, I just detected feelings of nice missing pangs and dunno just still the wonderful affections I always have for my special one. Just to let you know, talking with someone is therapy and thank you for listening.

    7.14 (ha ha this has become the identity tag)
